Tis the longest of nights
We forget constantly that we are part of the whole. Mother Earth herself has her own cycles and as we are part of her then we are a part of her cycles. So here in the Western hemisphere, as the outer world has darkened, the inner world expands.
From here, we begin a new cycle of every increasing light and warmth and on this day we find an opportunity to come out of hibernation and become aware of our inner wisdom in order for it to grow with the increasing light.
The old year has died and the direction of energy is turning, it is a transition point. And we know that there is always magic around in transition points.
So today for me is a day of celebration. I let go of the old, I plant the seeds of the new and I give thanks for being part of a bigger cycle. Feeling part of the whole doesn’t just happen, we have to make it happen.
Every year for the last 10 years, I have created sacred space and ritual to celebrate and each year, I feel a more profound connection with the something bigger. I have also noticed that it sets up an energy blueprint for the next 6 months if I take time to connect with myself AND the final and best advantage I have found is that it brings the sacred back from a time of huge over-consumerism, greed and disconnection. And I haven’t totally lost myself by Christmas day. Win-Win. Hooray!
I am celebrating tonight with others as I put on an evening of mediation, gong, Osho cards, bliss balls ~ this is new and proof of just how far I’ve come 🙂